Is so good to be back in my home town Pucon again, Iam so ready to start another season here and I so happy to find good water level in some of my favorite rivers. Pucon is full of rain and mountains are full of snow, is good new for this summer.

My good brother Ian Garcia is here in town, working in his "River Lake and Ocean" Outdoor Company, Like all the time we are looking for some new rivers or new water falls and this time Ian call me for "fire Up"this awesome new water fall in the Carhuello River...

Ian so happy to have my new JK Villain whit me, is so good creek boat, I loved...

The sorprices never stop here in Pucon and this new drop is waiting for you kayakers, is very fun to know that the Carhuello river have another drop like "take Out".

Incredile thanks again to: Teva-ImmersionResearch-JacksonKayak-Kober Paddle-ShredReady-Snapdragon- the AstralBoys. for all the incredible help and for make the kayak Sport so confortable and safe. I LOVE YOU GUYS....

Here is my dream Water Fall, I dont know how many time I run this drop, but is allways good to come Back and fell that fly again and again, middle palguin remember my so many doog friends that I cant stop to run this Drop...

Well Kayakers remember that Pucon is waiting for you, the bad news is that we dont have the "Desague" river because water level of the Caburgua lake is very low.
Incredible thanks for all the 9 group that is ready to "Run the Shit" whit us this year, We are waiting very happy for you guys.
See you in "the Put" In kayakers.
Rodrigo and Ema.