Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Another 1.D here in my home town "Rio Blanco"

My good bros, Lj and Jared scouting and having fun....

Mi buen amigo y compañero de trabajo Lj

Is so good to have good friends whit you, when you go run a new river, kayaking is all about that, good friends, good river, good water level and "Run the real" for having fun.....

We be in this incredible part of my home town "Pucon" this valley is part of the good runs like "Remeco" and "Maichin" and the new "Blanco"...

Paddle whit good friends is the most important part of kayaking, is the best way to having incredible fun...

Here is my good Bro "LJ" running the last good drop....the big one...

Super "Diablito" running the real (like all the time)... visit: to go big whit Demshitz ....

Here is My good Brother "Evan Garcia" follow Evan and his adventures in his
super good Blog:

Todd Father go big and enjoy the Blanco, incredible thanks to Todd for all the pictures...

Diablito control the situation for go big...

This news run "Rio Blanco" in awesome good , in the Take-Out the good Hotspring of the Rio Blanco is waiting for you for relaxing and enjoy the good life...

Well, we have to go work now, and continue having fun whit all our costumers...

See you on the rivers friends....
Team KayakPucon.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pucon is incredible.Plata River and more...

WOOOOWWW the last two week we just kayaking all the time, we ready open KayakPucon for the new summer season and we are ready to work and kayaking good , like all the time.

Pucon is full of kayakers and water in all the rivers, is very cold Nov. for the moment but we believe that Dec. coming better...

Well, here is a full Pictures report from the one of most awesome river (In my list) of the Pucon area "The Plata" , no many kayakers run this river , just because is very dificult to find the Put-In, but here is a full report of the Plata River, here in my home town Pucon.

This time I was there whit one of my favorite Team for paddle "The Demshitz Bros". enjoy the show of one incredible Day in the Plata River:

The Crrek master "Evan" Pure style running the style...(like all the time)

This is the Portage rapid ( Talk whit Diablito) if you need more Info about this rapid....

Super "Diablito" running the shit... Diablito Malito.......

The Evan style, whit super style Bro.......................

Demshit Diablito.....first like all the time Bro......
On the middle of the run, Evan and Anton fire Up the good rapids.....

Diablito Cochinito, ready for another super cool day on the river........

Evan in one of the entry rapids.........................
Finally we are in the Put-In after a long walk.............

Perfect level for a perfect Day in the river whit all my good friends.....

Well, this is all from our awesome day in the Plata river,....
Thanks for all the kayakers that be in contact whit us all this days for kayaking and rent kayaks whit us...
The summer look very good,,,, Our Super guide LJ is ready to paddle another season whit us and is all perfect here in Pucon....
Peace and love.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Big time here in Chile...Pucon is Super Fun...

Good, good time in the Famous Tres Saltos Drop, the most big crew that run this water fall,
9 kayakers in one run,,,crazy but incredible good day....
The "Demshitz" Master runnin the Real......... YEEEAA BRO....

All the Team ready to Film and have fun whit awesome water fall....

So happy paddle in the good Desahue River,,,waiting for the LJ Bro and continue paddle the good...

Yes here we are runnin the shit all the time and having incredible fun whit the all the Boys in town, is soo good to pas a day parking and Huck all the big stuff here in the pucon area....

This is the year when all the kayakers can "Run the Real" because the water level is perfect this year....
Here we are " The demshitz " ready to go like all the time...

Well, at the time we are waiting for all the kayakers tha come to Pucon to paddle and enjoy the magic time and the incredible waters that just Pucon have...
See you on the rivers boaters...
Ema and Rodrigo.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The magic is here...

So good to be in home again, the water level, after 2 week of continue rain is perfect now, you can kayaking all the river arrow the town and pucon have more and more kayakers every day.

We ready start we our first "Kayaking trip" for this year and the situation is Magic perfect, water level is good , perfect people make kayak here so good...

The last two week we are kayaking good but some time, all day in home because the rain, very very hard rain, but that is good for the rivers...

Well, I hope the next week find more friends and continue boating the good here in my awesome home town Pucon...

PD: Incredible thanks to Angela and Franziska from Germany to enjoy the river whit us and trust in our kayak trip service, they are our first group of the year...

Peace and love from the south of the world.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

New Creek season in Pucon - Chile

Evan "the creeking master" Fire Up as all the time.

Incredible thanks to the Astral Bouyancy for my new Life Jacket, "I loved"....

So good time at the new Desahue section, so good friend for paddle and have fun....

For more awesome new and action visit Evan Blog.

Is so good to fly again, so good, so good......

So good to be back in home again,
Whit all my best kayaking friends, running the shit again...
All is good here in Pucon-Chile, my dear home town.

Incredible thanks to my good Bros Garcias for the awesome Photos...

Creek creek and creek "I loved"......
Peace and Love from the creeking world...